Free Opinion of Value

Karges Fine Art is always interested in buying early California and American paintings by artists such as Edgar Payne, Granville Redmond, Maurice Braun, Guy Rose, Percy Gray, Paul de Longpre, John Gamble, Marion Wachtel, Elmer Wachtel, Joseph Kleitsch, Thomas Hill, William Ritschel, George Gardner Symons, T. C. Steele, Franz Bischoff and many others. Please go to our Paintings Wanted page for a complete list of artists whose works we are interested in buying.

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Kindly allow us 24 hours to review and respond to your request. If you have not heard from us after one full business day,
please call 1 (800) 833-9185
Please note that our galleries only purchase and display original paintings. NO PRINTS PLEASE! - except Gustave Baumann woodblock prints and Gene Kloss etchings 

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